From the Depths of Tartarus


News to Me

It has to be said, a lot of these old nursery rhymes possess pretty slender merit when it comes to actual child rearing. They are a poor substitute for an NHS approved antenatal course.

Easy and Delicious Beef Goulash Recipe

Sometimes you want something a bit different for dinner, but you cast your eyes through the recipe book and everything new takes 2-3 hours to prepare and cook. This recipe packs in the authentic flavours of Hungarian Goulash, but takes only a few minutes to prepare and less than an hour to cook. Perfect for a cold evening or for entertaining guests! For more tasty recipes, be on the lookout for our new book, Meals for Mates – The Perfect Food for the Perfect Alibi, available from February.


Your humble surfant

“And God said unto Moses ‘Serve and obey’, and Moses totally misheard him.”

If we’re honest, this premise could also have made for a good film.

Exodus: Gods and Kings is out at all good film holes, and features Christian Bale as Moses, with the more likeable brother from Warrior as Ramses. Expect some reasonable divergence from the source material, but at no point does Bale do the batman growl, and it’s generally pretty Exodussy. I won’t spoil the ending for you, just in case you’re the sort of person who prefers to see a film before reading the book it’s based on. I would hate to… water down the surprise.

Force of Hobbit

The Battle of Five Armies is now finished, and if you’ve read the Hobbit you might have some vague inkling as to the outcome. There’s more than one diversion from the book, as you might well expect. I mean, they could have had a little more fun with it, but it seems you don’t spend two films setting up your antagonist as a brutal, pitiless warrior, then have him fritter away the battle scenes drawing pictures with his army.

Gladiator XII

The circle is complete.

Gladiator XI

From experience I can confirm that a knife in the tummy just before a dance off is virtually guaranteed to cost you the win. Kiwis however, as any birdologist knows, are immune from nearly all manner of bladed weapons and blunt force trauma due to the very high degree of blubber and wadding that surrounds their inner core. During the early years of courier transport, kiwis were considered the premium packaging material for moving fragile cargoes, providing a stalwart defence against even the roughest journeys by coach or sail.

We’re continuing our winter sale to clear some older stock – a handful of shirts are still just £9 over in our store. Head over to the store page to take a look.

We also have some new t shirts available in the store! They’re also available through Amazon, linked below!

And if you haven’t bought your Christmas cards yet, we’ve got some crackers – check them out here.

Gladiator X

Referees, right? Time will tell how the kiwi keeps dancing with a knife in his belly.

Good news! We’re having a winter sale to clear out some much loved old stock – a handful of shirts are just £9 each all this week, and just in time for Christmas. Head over to our store page to take a look.

More good news – we have fresh t shirts in the store! They’re also available through Amazon, linked below!

And if you haven’t bought your Christmas cards yet, we’ve got some crackers – check them out here.

Gladiator IX

Et tu, Flav? There is perhaps no betrayal more pointed than that of somebody you once thought to be a trusted and respectable hip hop politician, with several years of apparently open and accountable public service under his belt, and who you would perhaps have voted for yourself, if voting was actually a part of your system of government, and you weren’t prevented from doing so by reason of your forced servitude to a gladiatorial arena boss. It’s a situation we are all likely to face at some point, and so we perhaps feel Maximus’ pain here all the more keenly.

I’ve hit a particularly busy few weeks with various things, so you may have noticed I’m only putting up one comic a week for the moment. Normal service will hopefully return before long!

Amongst the business, some good news – we have some new t shirts in the store! They’re available through Amazon, linked below!

And if you haven’t bought your Christmas cards yet, we’ve got some crackers – check them out here.

Gladiator VIII

In Roman tradition, it was an emperor’s prerogative to be the best at everything within the empire. The best baker, the best sailor, the best builder, and of course, the best dancer.

I’ve just had some new cards printed, available for sale both in the store here, and also over on Amazon through this link for some classic puns, this one for relaxing snowman Christmas cards, and this one for some slightly less sensible basketball themed Christmas cards.