From experience I can confirm that a knife in the tummy just before a dance off is virtually guaranteed to cost you the win. Kiwis however, as any birdologist knows, are immune from nearly all manner of bladed weapons and blunt force trauma due to the very high degree of blubber and wadding that surrounds their inner core. During the early years of courier transport, kiwis were considered the premium packaging material for moving fragile cargoes, providing a stalwart defence against even the roughest journeys by coach or sail.
We’re continuing our winter sale to clear some older stock – a handful of shirts are still just £9 over in our store. Head over to the store page to take a look.
We also have some new t shirts available in the store! They’re also available through Amazon, linked below!
And if you haven’t bought your Christmas cards yet, we’ve got some crackers – check them out here.
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