The Wolf of Wall Street


If you haven’t seen a trailer for The Wolf of Wall Street, you can check it out here. It features Leonardo DiCaprio as a rogue trading stockbroker, and may or may not feature real live wolves. Without having seen the film, I like to picture it as a reimaginging of Ratatouille – where instead of a charming, talented rodent chef, here we have a vicious feral wolf with no understanding of the nuances of the stock market, or even how to use a computer. There are life lessons for us all in that set up.

If you’re in the UK, and have a picture house cinema near you, and are also a student, then Slackers Club is screening Elf for free on 19 December – find out more here.

We’ve got plenty of stuff still available in the store – perfect for the winter season! Christmas cards are available for you to purchase and enjoy, just click on the pictures below.


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