The Pearl of Great Price


This comic is adapted from a tract I came across at Evidence Ministries, written as a modern day parable about how a person can have forgiveness of sins. I’ve slightly shortened it in this version for the sake of space, but the full version can be read at the link above, and is well worth a look.

The parable it is intended in particular to help people from the Mormon faith understand that, according to what the Bible teaches, salvation comes through grace alone without having to be earned – although the message is relevant to a still wider audience. I was rather moved by it and wanted to have a crack at illustrating it for Anchor Lines. I hope it helps underline that, just because the gift of eternal life is free, it is by no means cheap. It cost an unthinkably high price to purchase for us.

Following Jesus may end up costing us a great deal in worldly terms. Jesus warned that we shouldn’t think anything more important than following where he leads – family, friendships, money, even life itself. But the cost to us is negligible in light of the eternal life he has bought for us, spent in joy and peace in the presence of our God. We are spurred on to obey him, whatever the cost, by the momentous knowledge that right from the outset – the moment we take those first steps to follow him – we are forgiven, and we are saved.

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